Client Love

Client Love

Jenny B.

"Being in a group with Alissa was the pivotal turning point in my life. Her intuitive approach and remarkable ability to “process” each person’s deeper layers not only helped me work through long-standing emotional blocks, but also guided me to uncover my true life purpose.

Alissa's powerful insight and unwavering belief in everyone’s potential made me feel seen, heard, and deeply motivated to step into who I was always meant to be."

Samantha L.

"Alissa’s 4-day training was a total game-changer for me. She has this incredible ability to tune into what each person needs, and she helped me break through personal hurdles I didn’t even realize were there. Alissa creates such a warm, down-to-earth atmosphere, and her insight not only guided me through my challenges but also gave me the clarity to recognize my true purpose. By the end of the training, I felt more grounded, inspired, and absolutely confident in my next steps. Her intuitive approach cuts right to the core issues, and I left with a brand-new outlook on where I want to go in life. What really stood out, though, was how genuine and relatable Alissa is—this was hands down one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself!" 

Marianne S.

"I just finished Alissa’s four-day training, and I'm still buzzing from the experience! From the very first day, she set a relaxed, welcoming vibe that made me feel comfortable.  

Her down-to-earth style and spot-on intuition blew me away—she seemed to know exactly what I needed to work on, helped me set my goals more clearly and helped spark a ton of new ideas! I left the training feeling energized, focused, and ready to step into the new version of myself that has been hiding for the last 40 years!" 

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Tears are streaming down my face right now...It was so amazing tonight. Full body tingles and I could feel myself sinking into the earth. My heart felt lighter after the session tonight as well as my third eye felt activated. 

Thank you so much for tonight


I am writing  you about the Tuesday night healing. I had been in pain  all week and very busy with my elderly mom. Tuesday night released that pain and I slept so soundly for a change. I don't know how to say this exactly but it seems I am also gaining moreconfidence in my energetic self. I signed up for automatic payments every month.

Thank you so much for all you do.

Much love Alissa. Deborah

 I am excited Alissa! I feel like you are opening new doors for me.

Strange things happen to me during the sessions: GOOD and a little hard for me to wrap my head around. For the past few days I have been telling myself to drink more water. I feel dehydrated. Then today I was feeling blocked, distracted. OUT of the moment. Then you started to tell us what messages you were getting, and it seemed to be dead on for me. So close! It kind of shocked me. 

I feel like I found a path in the woods, and I'm taking my first steps. Its exciting. I’m lucky the universe put you in my path. 

My eyes are opening! These sessions really amaze me! Rick

 Strong session tonight, I immediately had tears flowing down my cheeks after you started. My hands were hot from the bones have been shifting.I just felt joy and some messages that all is aligning for my higher good. I slept ten hours straight after the healing. Such restorative sleep! Feeling great today! So clear and bright on the emotional and spiritual side. Also...dropping ovarian cysts today, thank you!! Feel a lot of gratitude for the work, thank you!


Hi Alissa, Great news...we had our health biometrics done at work today - my cholesterol has dropped from a total of 270 from three weeks ago, to (drum roll, please) 162!!!!  

My LDL went from 195 to 95.  

Leslie H

WOW!! Thank you for the relaxing night.

My gums are healing quickly and there is absolutely no pain. No Advil needed this time! Had a great sleep too.

xo Carolyn

 I just wanted to share this...I mentioned in the chat that I felt cranio sacralmovement...well, I have had a spasmed up neck muscle for about 3 weeks and it is WAYY better now.

Very enjoyable healing. Thanks!!

 xo Eileen

My hands are doing much better since I started doing the Tuesday night healings. Actually, everything overall is doing much better. My hands have been hurting really badly for three+ years. I didn’t know how I was going to make it through this year doing messages. I am working way more than usual and I’m using them constantly but I don’t have the pain all the way up my arms. Same thing with the hips, they aren’t going out like they used to. So it’s really helping me to improve and maintain my work.

So excited to continue these healings with you!


JOANNE: Wow. Well... that was pretty amazing! About half way through I started having visions of being among the stars.  Kind of floating and out of my body. I had moments when there was deep purple light in my mind's eye. I didn't come into the healing with a question, but once the visions started coming in I felt myself asking...why do I seem to hold onto this extra 20lbs no matter what I do. I remember a good friend telling me that extra weight on the body is a way to put a layer of protection on ourselves.  I had these strange visions of like purple poop/playdough kind of material going through a small hole (reminds me of an old playdough tool the kids used to play with). 

The image kept coming up and it felt like a big cleanse was coming... but because it was purple the message was that it was a spiritual cleanse.   

I had two strong moments where I started to cry...and it was a release of some old toxic stuff.  I also had a moment where I felt like I was telling my dad it was OK to "go".  

Towards the end I had this vision that Carsten and I have similar wounds as young children. 

I also felt you had a needle and thread and were threading us all together.  It was the combined energy of all of us that was really powerful.  

 Carsten was totally into it.  He has been dealing with some poison ivy the past few days and the itch has been pretty uncomfortable.  He said that everywhere he has the rash he felt a serious tingling and since the healing he has not felt itchy!  Which is amazing. 

He could feel your energy and this indescribable energy in his mind and body. He also felt that we both have a similar wound.   

After we signed off we sat on the couch and talked for an hour about the experience.  He reminisced about his dad and told stories I have never heard before.  About his sister and a school mate.  So, so, so interesting. 

It was so great!!! We loved it! 

Love, Joanne and Carsten